remained on the frame of the window. Jon then took the bag under his arm and carried it over to Ben. He squatted beside the bag and hastily unzipped it to explore.
its contents. The first thing they came to was a tatty envelope, written on it were the words "Open, when you have done what you have to". Ben suggested opening it,.
but Jon paid no attention to him. He then followed his brother's eyes down to the bag, he couldn't believe what he could see. Ben leant down to have a closer look.
Jon pulled out a wad of notes, it was money. Ben held, in each hand, at least fifty $100 bills, they unloaded the stash as if they were tunnelling to the bottom of the.
bag. There was money all over the snowy ground, they both leant back and took a breather. They asked themselves what they had just found. Another question that.
was asked as they made their way back to the cabin was who was the pilot? Jon was freezing and as he put his hands in his pockets, he felt the envelope that he had.
pulled out of the bag. He considered what to do with the money with his brother. They had the option of informing the police or keeping it for themselves. Just then.
Ben walked straight into a low hanging branch, Jon criticised him by asking him why he did that. Ben worryingly replied "I couldn't see it, what's wrong with me?".
Images of possible causes for this loss of eyesight flashed passed Jon's eyes. "Of course, it's the bird!". Ben reached up and felt his stinging forehead, he could feel.
the warm blood against the bitterly cold air. Ben, despite his lacking vision, took charge of the situation. He claimed he should be in charge because of his superior.
strength, which humoured Jon but he had no particular reason to argue with him. Jon was convinced that the best option was to keep the money and share it between.
them, and maybe their uncle. However, Ben was eager to give up the money and to do the "right thing", which Jon thought was ludicrous.