him. This meant standards were set and the speed of production was regulated. By.
taking the skills and knowledge from his workers, Ford also took power! (Fordism .
explained from: www.sociologyonline.co.uk, Accessed 30 October 2002).
The advantages of this system became apparent at the beginning of the 19th Century.
Work was bought or produced in bulk to minimise costs and time. This led to an .
increased market for products through mechanisation. The high profits led to higher.
wages for semi-skilled and unskilled workers, which led to higher standards of living.
and more money in people's pockets to spend which helps stabilise the economy.
During the 20th Century this type of work organisation spread throughout the.
industrialised world. The re-building of industry during the post war period was .
centred on the mass production system. This system contributed for several decades .
towards a huge growth in productivity and prosperity. It became a role model for .
successful industries ( Mathias and Davis 1996, Enterprise and Work).
The changes in the organisation of work have been through influences from.
inflation, industrial conflict, competitive pressures, advanced technology and the .
social relations within employment. The most fundamental change is the shift in .
numbers employed between the main industries alongside the growth in .
manufacturing to the expense of agriculture (lecture notes). As capital investment .
increases productivity through higher technological machinery and equipment this .
productivity can be achieved by employing fewer people, this trend is recognised as .
the "lean production" method. In 1979, 7 million were employed in the manufacturing .
industries. In 1995 the figure was 3 and three quarter million which is linked to the .
implementation of new technologies and low cost production from abroad (The Times .
6/5/96 p22).
The car manufacturing industry has seen dramatic changes from the times of Henry .