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Into the 21st Century with Flowers in Our Hair

It makes it hard for us to forget that his main purpose is to get or keep us addicted to the drink. But what if you find out that the guy is just an actor, who actually dresses like a preppie, and hates Pinoy rock? All your ideas and biases regarding the commercial (and even the drink) would start to crumble.
             The Greeks said, "The corruption of the best is worst."" Beneath what we'd like to believe as true and sincere, what we'll find instead is something phony and sham. The purity and wholesomeness was perfectly captured by the writers and the directors; it would be so nice to believe that everyday is the ordinary day that is depicted in the commercial, where we have no responsibilities whatsoever. It would be even better to think if teenagers today would rather drink a bottle of Coke than sniff it until their brains are dry. It would also be fooling ourselves to think that we can actually safely and carelessly walk home with a discman at hand without caring about hold-uppers or snatchers. It is then sadly revealed, as that single hypothetical question forces us to reflect, that the untroubled and malicious-free life of teenagers is falling apart.
             Today, we live in a capitalist-driven society, where almost everything can be bought at a price. The advancement in advertising is notable, as we have moved from an age of door-to-door selling of products to the highly developed ads of selling the whole lifestyle. For example, one of the leading companies in sports apparel, Nike, doesn't directly advertise their clothes or shoes. They promote the Just do it' lifestyle and that it feels good to get into sports. If you already are an athlete, their ads make you feel special, as if your participation in your sport raises you levels above non-athletic people.
             We are drawn to advertisements that depict or promote carefree lives such as that of Coke (sarap ng buhay). Is it because we want to escape from our chaotic and complicated surroundings? Or is because we have simply been trained to choose play over work "happy-go-lucky over anxiety?.

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