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Legalizing Same Sex Marriages

While it is true that for now, the religious right is using their religion as the policy by which to make laws in both countries, this type of law making can not last. When a country basis their law making decisions on a religious group's opinions of how things should be, what things are right, and what things should be deemed wrong, they are in its simplest forms violating the constitution. While that may bring you little comfort in and of itself, it will win the battle in the end. .
             Many other movements are taking place in both the US and Canada that will have a large effect on the gay and lesbian movement for equality. Non-Christian religions are fighting for the same rights that Christians enjoy. They want to end discrimination towards them as well as end the rule of Christianity in politics. As this movement grows in size and news coverage, the waters change more and more in our favour. It is becoming more and more difficult for law makers to make Christian oriented laws in the name of "all citizens". With this movement will come the removal or at least the weakening of the most potent weapon thus far used against us in our fight for equality. .
             Same sex marriages are on the horizon. It may not be today, or even tomorrow. However, most of us will see the legalization of same sex marriages within our lifetimes. The reason for that is simple. Gay men and lesbians are legal citizens who pay taxes, serve in the military, and work in government jobs. We contribute as much as our heterosexual counterparts to society and there is no legal reason why we should be denied equal rights. Once you strip away the Christian conservatives who want us all to believe that God hates all homosexuals, you don't have much left. Their arguments are failing fast. No longer are we in a century where only the priests can read the Bible and tell us what it "really" says. Many of us are now taking a look for ourselves and realizing that half of what they say is completely untrue, and the other half is up for interpretation.

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