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Gun Control

             a gun can serve as a substitute for attack, rather than its vehicle.
             (Kleck,1991). A sample was done by police in 50 major cities to see who is.
             more common to use a gun (Kleck,1991). The data included that gun use in.
             homicides is more common when (1) the victim is male rather than female,.
             (2) the victim is male and the attacker is female, (3) the attacker is.
             outside the "physical prime" ages of 16-39 compared to other ages, (4) the.
             attacker is outside the "prime" age span and the victim is in that age span,.
             compared to the reverse situation, (5) there is a single attacker, and.
             multiple victims, compared to a group of attackers, and (6) there is a.
             single attacker and multiple victims, compared to the reverse situation.
             The death rate with gun violence is somewhat uncertain. About one.
             in seven gunshot wounds known to police result in death. However, this.
             doesn't count all of the injuries not reported to police. This means that.
             the actually rate is lower than the one mentioned above. Gunshot wounds are.
             more likely to result in death than those inflicted by a knife. The knife.
             is the weapon considered to be the next most lethal.
             One of the common question among the American public is , where do.
             criminals obtain guns? A recent survey asked many criminals this very.
             question. Obtaining from friends was the most prevelant answer. This was.
             about 40%. Off the street was second with 14%, followed by gun shops, which.
             was 11%. Other sources included pawnshops (6%), fences (5%), and family.
             members and drug dealers (4% each), (Wright,1986). The handgun is the.
             favorite among criminal activity. Criminals usually prefer a handgun with a.
             short barrel (Shields,1981). This is because it's extremely lethal and is.
             so easily concealed. When it is stuck inside the belt, only the grip or.
             handle is visible, and a jacket or suitcoat or sweater can easily cover.
             that small bulge. It also slips easily into a coat, jacket pocket or purse.

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