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The boy feels he needs all the mother's attention and care (Bhugra 71). Alfred Alder, a disciple of Freud, adds a few ideas to the Oedipus complex. His ideas state that a child has been pampered all of his life and feels he suddenly might be booted out of the family circle. The mother has done the sole pampering in the family so that is where the child sexual desires go to. Kissing and feeling the mother is explained more in Alder's ideas (Mullahy 126). This can also apply to Hamlet, since he may feel his mother will have no more purpose for him. She has found a new husband, so that might mean she is moving on to better things in life other than Hamlet. .
             Freud insisted that Hamlet is troubled because he is jealous of his uncle, for Hamlet unconsciously wants to sleep with his mother, Gertrude (Jones 82). Hamlet states, "This time is out joint: O cursed spite, / That never I was born to set it right" (II.i.189-90). Hamlet is talking about the murder of his father by Claudius. Hamlet will take care of Claudius for the purpose that he wants to be with his mother. Freud points out that Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, has taken over his father's rightful place, and therefore has replaced his father as the man who must die (Jones 1). Hamlet's madness is not just acting, but is the result of this frustrated desire, to kill his father's murderer to be with his mother. .
             In the beginning, Hamlet suffers from insecurity and a sense of foolishness. Hamlet states, in Act 1 Scene 1 Line 159, that he was to hold his tongue on what he says or he will be viewed as a fool. As we see him at the beginning of the play, he is suffering from melancholy, not only from the death of his father, but also from the shock of the sudden discovery of his mother's true nature. Hamlet states, " Would have mourn"d longer - married with my uncle/ My father's brother" (I.ii.151-152). He states this to show how he hates the fact that Gertrude has lost a husband but gained a new one all within one month's time.

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