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Nutritional Promise or Potential Disaster

             depression. Although the FDA still does stand by its choice of approving aspartame,.
             John W. Olney, an MD, has been studying aspartame's effects on the brain for over 20.
             years. He disagrees with the FDA's decision. He says, .
             "Since about 5 years ago, after aspartame was approved, there has been a striking.
             increase in the incidence of malignant brain tumors." .
             He is not asking for a ban on aspartame though.
             "I"m not saying that aspartame has been a proven cause of brain tumors", Olney.
             says, "I"m saying that there is enough basis to suspect aspartame; that is needs to.
             be reassessed.".
             Artificial fats may or may not provide nutritional value. These fats can contain.
             usable fiber, fat, or protein. Olestra marketed by Procter & Gamble is one product.
             substitute that is proven to contain no usable nutrients and has been approved for use in.
             the U.S. The controversies relating to fat replacements has been focused towards Olestra. .
             Since your body cannot digest it, Olestra is essentially calorie free. Symptoms can be a.
             mild to severe laxative result from its use. Olestra and other fat replacements can also.
             block the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and carotenes. This caused the FDA to.
             require that all Olestra products be fortified with Vitamins A, D, E, and K. The FDA.
             approved Olestra in 1995 and a reevaluation of its effects on large numbers of people was.
             conducted in 1998. Erin Prammer, Registered Dietician from the Cheshire Medical.
             Center states, "I feel strongly that fat replacements should not be put into more.
             widespread use in cooking oil, ice cream and other foods." Another source from the.
             Journal of the American Diabetic Association says that the use of Olestra and other fat.
             replacements may be of a concern because of the misuse from sufferers of binge-eating.
             disorders-perhaps for a known laxative effect . .
             The general rule is, to lose weight, one must make a calorie deficiency by.
             reducing caloric intake and by expanding the energy output.

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