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Perception: Defining Sexual Harassment in Colleges

Besides hormones, alcohol can often cloud a man's judgment as "aggression and eroticism are deeply intertwined" (Paglia) in male sexuality and often is released, as alcohol tends to lower common sense. For these reasons, it appears that responses by college men to college women may end up being harassment in a woman's eyes. .
             Unlike college men, the minds of college women work on mental and social levels. While college males are full of hormones and apply a sexual manner to about anything "women are generally believed to be more socially sensitive" (Baugh and Page). This social sensitivity can turn the smallest and most indirect object or conversation into sexual harassment. With this in mind women who get deliberate or unintended attention and are bothered by it can easily consider the behavior sexual harassment. This is a common occurrence at frat parties where dozens of college kids mixed with alcohol can create some interesting situations. Could a seemingly innocent bump in a hallway between a man and women be called harassment? Could a man whistling across the room to get his friends attention be perceived as harassment by women in the general vicinity? The social sensitivity of women can lead to some severe long-term affects when sexual harassment is believed to occur. This matter can only complicate the issue of defining and dealing with sexual harassment.
             The roll of feminism adds an interesting variable into the mix. "Feminism keeps saying the sexes are the same. It keeps telling women that they can do anything, go anywhere, say anything, wear anything" (Paglia). That is most certainly possible and true but there are some things with men and women that will be forever different. As stated in the two previous paragraphs "there are sexual differences that are based in biology" (Paglia). Feminism portrays sexual harassment of women as a crime any way it can be cut. As it seems that hormones can cloud a college males understanding of friendly conversation it could also be said that feminism can take an indirect or accidental action and constitutes it as harassment.

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