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Nursing Organizations: Working Together to Improve Nursing

Some other important issues that ANA has taken a stand on are Medicare reform, patient rights, whistleblower protections for healthcare workers, adequate reimbursement for healthcare services, and easy access to healthcare. As you can see from the list of issues the ANA is not only concerned about the health care workers but the healthcare recipients as well. .
             As a professional I could learn many things I may have never know from the ANA. They are dedicated in improving the healthcare system tremendously. Some benefits of joining the ANA are that they will provide information on healthcare I need, guard my safety and rights in the workplace, organize my political voice, and so much more. The dues for membership are well worth it. .
             Another important nursing organization is the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA). The NYSNA is a constituent of the American Nurses Association. The goal of the NYSNA is to promote optimal nursing and healthcare services to residents of New York State. Some of the ways in which the NYSNA achieves their goal are as follows: by influencing healthcare policy and improving the healthcare system one element at a time, by providing expertise on the nature, scope, legal and ethical aspects of nursing practice, by expanding the New York State standards of practice, education, and research, and by protecting the legal rights and general welfare of nurses. The members of the NYSNA are all New York State licensed nurses that care to make a difference in the profession of nursing. .
             A unique feature that the NYSNA provides for the profession of nursing is its extensive continuing education approval process. The NYSNA does not approve a continuing education program unless it goes through an application process. If it meets the strict criteria of the NYSNA the program will be approved. This ensures better educated nurses in the work force. This will in turn provide better patient care.

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