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An example of this would be two men who just got dumped by their girlfriends in whom they had been dating for one year. Both will deal with this differently because one has depression and the other does not. The man with depression may feel very sad for a prolonged period of time and drown his sorrows in alcohol and drugs while the other man would get over it and try to find a new girlfriend. Although this is just an example is does display the ways in which an individual deals with a traumatic event varies greatly. .
             Depression & Gender.
             Research and clinical evidence reveal that while both women and men can develop the symptoms of depression, they often experience depression differently and may have different ways of coping with the symptoms. Men may be more willing to acknowledge fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in work or hobbies, and sleep disturbances rather than feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and excessive guilt. Men are more likely than women to abuse alcohol and drugs in their lifetime as a way to hide depression, making it harder to recognize as a separate illness that needs treatment. Instead of acknowledging their feelings, asking for help, or seeking appropriate treatment, men may turn to alcohol or drugs when they are depressed, or become frustrated, discouraged, angry, irritable and, sometimes, violently abusive. Some men deal with depression by throwing themselves compulsively into their work, attempting to hide their depression from themselves, family, and friends; other men may respond to depression by engaging in reckless behavior, taking risks, and putting themselves in harm's way. .
             Four times as many men as women die by suicide in the United States. Research shows that suicide is often associated with depression. The suicide rate among men may reflect the fact that men are less likely to seek treatment for depression, this is not proven but could explain why then number of men that have depression is so much lower than women.

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