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Do We Really Love Our Animals?

Let's start with the large amount of animals Vivisection effects. The American Anti-Vivisection Society reports that, "Between 25 and 50 million animals are killed in American Laboratories each Year"(www.aavs.org/Doc). Animal's such as mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, cats, dogs, primates, sheep, cows, and pigs are subjected to the effects of Vivisection. The tests are conducted by government agencies, corporations, hospitals, the military, and chemical companies. The single largest financier and advocate of vivisection would have to be The National Institutes of Health(NIH). The saddest part about this is that we as taxpayers are paying for the inhumane and cruel treatment of animals. Every time we pay our taxes we are supporting Vivisection. The American Anti-vivisection Society states that, "These animals can be subjected to a mydraid of painful procedures. They are burned, starved, irradiated, shocked, mutilated, kept in isolation, poisoned, drugged, electrocuted, and the list goes on and on"(www.aavs.org/Docs/). The tests range from a monkey's eyes being sewn shut for long periods of times, to a dog's eyes getting burned by radiation, and even so far as to subject fully conscience cats and dogs to surgery with no anesthetic. When they are done, if they survive they are then reused for more tests. Often times, animals such as dogs and cats are silenced through a grotesque procedure. This process which consists of cutting the animals vocal chords to silence the specimen. The most common type of test used by corporations is the Draize test. The Draize test is used for testing the safety of the corporation's product. Sidney Gidens put it best in his essay entitled "The Use of Animals in Science", where Gidens says "Named after it's inventor, John Draize, who developed the method in 1944. The test consists of placing rabbits in stocks that immobilize their heads and then dropping the substance to be tested into one eye, using the other eye as a controller"(Regan 199).

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