When an institution barricades an individual from the outside world, where bigger and broader horizons expand freely, the person often suffers intellectually and emotionally. This pain, however, creates a positive effect on the character in much the same way that an irritant in a suffering oyster eventually results in the formation of a beautiful pearl. Although emotional misery differs from that of physical pain, the effects can have equal magnitudes. Miss Temple, a brilliant superintendent, feels emotionally and intellectually stifled at Lowood. She has so much care and wisdom to impart on her students, but her ideas conflict with those of the man responsible for creating the harsh atmosphere of Lowood. Miss Temple strives to create a comfortable and caring environment for the children, who do not have much in the world anyway. "She cannot change the institution she is hired to administer but she does quietly try to make life more bearable for its inmates-(Rich 146). She tries to make up for their physical suffering with little acts of kindness, such as ordering bread and cheese when a meal must be skipped because of poor preparation; her superior crushes her efforts, however, and claims that they "obviate the aim of [the] institution- as it strives to "evince fortitude under temporary privation-(Bronte 55). As Miss Temple must spend most of her time within the confines of Lowood, she loses a great deal of contact with the outside world and restricts her intellect to the institution's dull course of study. Her emotions also suffer as the institution limits the amount of food and other necessities of the girls; she sees her students in a constant state of hardship, yet her outpouring of affection cannot counteract the school's strict regulations. Working at Lowood teaches Miss Temple to persevere through temporary limitations so she can endure and seek a better life.