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Memory and Eye Witness Accounts

             There is a generally excepted theory in the field of memory that the human memory does not work like a videotape recorder. We don't record an event and then play it back later, the process is much more complex. Countless scientific experiments communicate that our memories are sometimes distortions of reality and inaccurate images of the past. The human memory is something that is very malleable and over time memory changes, the more time passes, the more changes and distortions one can expect. As new events enter the picture the mind incorporates them into the original memory. .
             How does memory work and why does it so often fail us? Scientists agree that memories are formed when neurons link together to form new connections, or circuits, actually changing the contact between the cells; in the process, the memories are stored (Martinez, Kresner 239). Long term memories, which include experiences that happened just a few minutes ago as well as information several decades old, are stored in mental "files" somewhere in our brain (Martinez, Kresner 241). Every time we retrieve a file we have to reconstruct the event for ourselves. This often means that we add or change some feature of the memory. We do this not consciously, but on an unconscious level. Our long-term memory can be explained better as a storehouse of facts with a lifetime of events. This storehouse can hold an infinite amount of material. Event factors have to do with the acquisition stage of memory. The acquisition stage is when we perceive an event and our brains make the instantaneous decision to either discard the information or insert it into memory (Loftus 23). As time goes by and the memories change, we become convinced that we saw, said, or did what we remember. We perceive the blending of fact and fiction that constitutes a memory to be completely and totally truthful. Therefore, a person is never lying when they tell someone a memory they had, people truly believe in the memories they have.

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