(The explanation of God's plan according to John Hick).
Epistemic distance' (knowledge) between humans and God. If God is difficult to know this makes the faithful more virtuous as they have struggled. The Fall' ( a term used to describe the chapter of Genesis in the Bible where Adam and Eve are removed from the Garden of Eden or Paradise by God because they disobeyed Him when Eve was tricked into eating forbidden fruit from a certain tree by a snake, perhaps a personification of the devil?) is seen as a mythological account of the testing of humans. Adam and Eve sent from Eden because they needed to develop into God's likeness and they needed further testing. The Fall' allows for Jesus to arrive and set the example of how to develop into creatures fit for salvation.
This view also fits in with Evolutionary theory, as humans of God's image are the culmination of the Evolutionary process. Growing into God's likeness gives potential for further development and involves making responsible choices in real situations.
John Hick gives two reasons why God doesn't create everybody perfect in the first place:.
Goodness must come through making responsible free moral choices.
The epistemic distance gives humans freedom which creation would not have allowed. It is best that free beings freely choose to love God.
There are, however, criticisms of this theory. Adam and Eve were not at epistemic distance from God, they failed and were held fully responsible in spite of immaturity'.
The theodicy suggests that suffering is good for you and that you can't be good without suffering:.
Surely you can be good without suffering .
Many people who suffer usually end up feeling bitter.
It doesn't fit in with Jesus' actions when he tried to stop suffering. .
Can there be true goodness in heaven?.
Does the ends, justify the means? For example, does the final outcome of heaven reward' you for the way you got there (to heaven) the suffering?.