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English: The New International Language

English is an important tool for the non-English speaking countries to follow globalization. Those countries can make the world hear their voice by using English. However, using English as an international language will make a lot of other cultures disappeared, which is a very sad thing for Human beings, because culture is the most distinctive characteristic of a nationality. It is harmful for the multi of culture. Unfortunately, cultural imperialism is "a clearly a feature of the Information Age we live in" (Alexander, 1999, p. 37). Currently, a lot of non-English speaking native immigrants who were born and grew up in English speaking countries, do not know their own culture at all, for example, some "banana people" who are Chinese born in some English speaking countries think in English ways but look a Chinese, it is like a banana, white inside and yellow outside.
             English culture can influence other cultures, which may not make the other culture disappear, but will enrich the other cultures; on the other hand, other cultures will influence the English culture. In other words, cultures will interact with each other, which can make human cultures more exuberant.
             The most obvious effect of using English as an international language is linguistics. A lot of mutations of English have been used in the world, such as Chinglish, Japlish and Konglish (Kent, 1999). They are the mutations of English with obviously their own feature added, but can be accepted by English. They have not only enriched English language, but also enriched their own language. For example, there are 1189 English words that have evolved from Chinese words in the Oxford Dictionary (Gao & Meng, 2003). The use of English as an international language is not only harmful to other languages, but also harmful to English itself. That is to say, using English as a global language inevitably implies cultural integration (Schumann 1978).

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