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Experience Of man with advancement in Technology

Being dependant on anything can be dangerous. The good and bad consequences of our dependence have to be measured constantly. If the lights go out, if the car won't start, if my computer crashes, these illustrate the weaknesses in technology that result in dangerous consequences. Yet those possibilities and realities do not deter us from using technology, or from designing new technologies. A technological failure can be a threat but the worse threat to us is ourselves.
             Throughout the 20th century, humans have succeeded in many aspects of technological change. The past 140 years, a short time in comparison with human history, have brought about some of the most notable technological changes. For instance, 140 years ago, there was no telephone, photography was still in its infancy, the idea of an automobile was absurd and the notion that a machine heavier than air could fly was scoffed. But advances in scientific discovery led to many changes in the thoughts, attitudes and paradigms of humans as to what technology meant to the changing society. But somehow, this advancement in human achievement is sometimes viewed with scorn by some of the wisest among us. Has these advancements improved our lives, or just changed the nature of the problems we face?.
             "If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery, in impoverishment" said Michael Harrington in "The Other America"(1962).
             Now the question to be asked here is not if there are any dangers about human's dependence on technology but the greater danger is how we use technology? We must use care when making decisions regarding technology. If we do not pay close attention to the later consequences of decisions, we could find ourselves facing much greater threats that that of the lights going out. Consider the possibility in the near future of human cloning. What rights will a human clone have? Whose responsibility will they be? We face questions and fears such as this when we use technology.

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