A non-normative life event that has had a major effect on my life would have to be the first time i took a geology class at the University of .
Anchorage Alaska. I signed up for Terry's Physical Geology class to take a class for the first time with my cousin Christopher, .
thinking it would add to my educational pleasure. What happened was Terry's passion and love for the subject he was teaching turned out to be .
purely addictive. From the first moment i spent in his classroom, not only did i enjoy geology, but i urged myself to learn every fact within the .
subject my mind could grasp. .
What started out as a fun idea turned out to be a life obsession. I found myself looking at the world in a whole different light. I started to pick .
up every rock i would come across and look at it in a scientific point of view asking the questions what kind of rock is this, what is it made of, .
and how did it get here. I rather quickly became a rock buff memorizing the most common rocks and how to identify them. I also .
found myself looking at rock outcrops investigating what kind of earth process caused the outcrop to be present the way the earth had placed it .
This love for a newly discovered subject in school helped me regain the wind in my sails. Throughout high school i earned straight .
A's, but once i reached college there seemed to be something missing, i failed class after class with no care in the world. Since that first moment .
in Physical Geology i have increased my grades in every subject and have taken my future back into my own hands. Tarrys teaching caused me .
to love school again, and has also made me want to be a teacher. I want to have an impact like he has had on my life, on just one child to repay .
all the good teachers i have had throughout the years.
If this event had not occurred in my life, my life would be extremely different. I might have dropped out of college and found myself wasting .