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Women In Government

             Ways to increase the influence and power of women can be as easy as voting, and writing a letter. Other, but more involved means of power can mean even running for public office. Now, more than ever before, there are opportunities for women to take hold of what is being offered to them. Women and other "minority" groups should stop sitting around waiting for a sympathetic apology. They act like they are powerless when by far the are the most in population numbers whenn it comes to gender and races. Women especially need to step up to the plate, and get more active, more involved. Generally, all capable voters have the responsibility to get involved because nothing prevents us from doing anything we want to do. .
             Voting is the most simple, direct, and powerful way wommen can affect government and policies. If you think that women's votes "don't realy count" you"ll probably be suprised to know that politicians are now well aware of the power of women voters. The issue in recent history has been described as the power of "soccer moms" but its no laughing matter. In the most famous example of the power of women voters, President Clinton would have lost to Dole in 1996 without the votes of women. .
             Women outnumber men in the adult population, and ccording to the Federal Election Commission, ever since the 1980s women have registred and voted at consistentl higher rates than men. These two factors add up to approximately 8 million more registered women voters than men. Politicians have come to recognize that women are a powerfulo force for change. However, change can only be effected if women continue to participate in voting. Voter turnout in general remains low. In the 1996 election, only 55.5 percent of eligible women voted. In the 20 years prior to the 1996 elections, women's turnout did not once exceed 63 percent.
             Women only attained the right to vote in the last eighty years. It is disappointing that women seem to be letting all the hrd work of previous women go to waste.

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