Ender knew that the bullies would come after him, and that he had to be wary of his brother Peter. The government wanted to see how Ender dealt with these confrontations as one last test. Ender passed these tests, and was chosen. The government came that night to take Ender to battle school, but they needed Ender to go willingly. Ender's parents were unable to refuse to let their son go, because they signed a contract with the government to get permission to conceive him. Ender decides to go to battle school, he knows that he will not see his family again until he is almost 12 yrs. old. .
Card starts each chapter in this book with the conversation of two colonels in charge of Enders training. In these conversations, you learn how they manipulate Ender to build him into the commander that they need. They alienate him from the other children, physically exhaust him, and mentally test him. Ender is able to see that they are controlling him, but unfortunately cannot see what it is leading too. By the time Ender is 10 yrs. old, he graduates to command school.
At the end of the book, Card shows us the technological advances that are made in this future time. In command school, Ender is given squadron leaders to work with that are also all children. They each practice in separated simulators, and are not allowed to see each other in person. The only contact that they have is over a headset in battle simulations. Soon, the simulations become more frequent, and they are sometimes doing them in the middle of the night. Ender and his squadron leaders become exhausted, and they do not understand why they are being pushed so hard. Then one day, Ender came in to the simulator to do battle and there were a lot of uniformed men there. His teacher approached him and informed him that this was the last time that he would do battle, that this was his last test. Ender blows up the Buggers planet in the simulated battle, and the men behind him start to shout and holler.