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             Fires are one of natures greatest, yet deadly phenomenons.They are able to destroy hundreds of acres within hours,although, this can sometimes be a good thing. Fire is used to burn of dry,dead grass in a pasture so that the ash can help bring up new green grass. Then, there are the times where it is not wanted and devistates much needed land: such as the plant and animal life which exists in it's ecosystem.
             Forest fires are the biggets problem when it comes to fires,people camping will accidenly leave their fire going. In most cases though, the people will think that they have their campfire out by throwing some water on it but that doesn't always do the trick and when it doesn't,you've got a problem on your hands. In no time at all,you've got a big roaring fire that will take down anything and anyone in it's path. It can take several days and even weeks to get a large forest fire under control enough to extinguish it.
             Not all fire is natural; fire can be especially dangerous when man has something to do with it. People can use it to do horrible things, such as, burning down houses and buildings, and threatening other people. Along with it comes pain and suffering that is, in many ways unique to it's own. That statement meaning not all situations are alike and the way they are felt and handled amongst individuals are different as well. It can effect people not only physically, but mentally. For those who have been physically affected or have had someone close to them affected in the same way, you might find the they may have severe emotional scars as well.
             Then there are the firefighters who risk their own lives in order to save others. Men and women who will brave the hot ember and flames to rescue a family, who only minutes before,may not have even been aware of a fire in their home. They will go in a burning building to rescue the family pet, who may be trapped in a room with no way out.

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