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             I predict, that as concentration increases, the weight and length of the potato chip will decrease. My reasoning behind this, is that the higher the concentration of glucose in a solution, the lower the concentration of water. When the potato chip is put into the solution, it will, by osmosis lose some of its water, and the water will diffuse into the solution of glucose, causing the potato chip to lose water, therefore decreasing in weight and length.
             I predict that my graph will look like the graph above this because, the potato chip used for 0 molar concentration will gain water, as the water moves from a region of high concentration (the solution) to a region of low concentration (the potato chip.) This result will be an example of when the solution is Hypotonic to the potato. However, in the middle of the scale, say 0.5 molar concentration, the graph will go right down, due to the fact that the solution will be isotonic to the potato. In other words, the solution and potato chip are about equal in concentration. The reason for the minus results for 1 molar concentration is that the solution has a lower concentration of water to that of the potato, and so, by osmosis water moves from the potato to the solution, causing the weight to decrease.
             Apparatus: -.
             1 M sugar solution.
             Potato corer.
             Measuring cylinder (250ml).
             Stop clock.
             Boiling tubes.
             Filter paper.
             Balance (2 digit).
             Safety: -.
             u I will be using a very sharp knife, which could injure someone if not handled properly.
             u I will also be very careful that the solutions don't get into our bodies internally, because we are not fully aware of the damage it could do to us.
             u Wearing safety goggles.
             u Keep the working area tidy and dry and also removing baggage from walking space.
             u Handle the equipment and apparatus carefully.
             Key Factor: -.
             The key factor in my experiment is the concentration of the sugar solution ranging from distilled water to 1 molar.

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