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What Factors Influence Gender Roles?

             how the "young lady" should act. This is very interesting considering that infants are more alike.
             than different on these early years of life. Unfortunately, no child has ever lived a childhood.
             where family didn't put certain influences on the child. The difference in these influences is if.
             the child is only influenced to act in a specific way, with no exceptions. I was fortunate to have a.
             very balanced childhood. I was taken both to ballet classes and basketball games. The children.
             whose families are very traditional might also take the opposite direction once they are old.
             enough to establish their own ideas. But if morals can be influenced in the home, what is.
             stopping gender roles from being influenced also, and so much easier. .
             Another influence on gender roles are the toys that are presented by society. Girls are.
             generally seen with domestic toys such as dolls and kitchen play sets. These toys influence the.
             girls thoughts on remaining a domestic person rather than a more liberated woman. The same.
             influences are put on boys with military weapons. The boys might feel obligated to live up to the.
             stereotype that all men are brave and strong and fight in wars. Instead of being taught to love.
             each other and to be nice, they are taught to be dominating and aggressive. Meanwhile the girls.
             are taught to be nurturers of children and the caretakers of the homestead. Boys are also given.
             more active toys that are played or realized outside of the home, while girls are given toys or.
             games that are better played in a stable "safer" environment such as the tea set. This is often the.
             reason people believe that boys are stronger than girls. Yes, it is true that men have a stronger.
             upper body strength than men, but, has anyone ever questioned why this might be so? Perhaps it.
             is because ever since the early childhood , the boy is given toys that allow him to exercise his.
             strengths and develop the body he will have when older rather than the sitting" pretty toys girls.

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