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Religions Of The World

             An observable difference in the Southern Baptist Church and the Church of Christ is the use of instruments in the worship service. As I started attending chapel it was hard to get used to the worship style, and I found myself struggling to really engage in worship, but after time I really became appreciative of the reverence and honor that is placed upon the position of worship leader in the Church of Christ. It has taught me to worship, even with musical instruments playing, I am able to focus and respect the service of worship. I was able to communicate with my church that sometimes it is difficult to focus when there is such good music playing. Another difference in these two denominations and religions is the frequency of the Lord's Supper. The Church of Christ and the Southern Baptist Church observe this event very differently. The Southern Baptist Church usually serves the Lord's Supper once every quarter or once every three months as a special service for believers. The Church of Christ has the Lord's Supper available every Sunday. The meaning of this event is not lost in either situation. .
             The use of alcohol is a major source of disagreement in denominations and religions worldwide. The Southern Baptist Church does not believe in the use of alcohol at any time, or dancing, or "clubbing." There are no specific verses in the bible that deal with the general use of alcohol, it just says not to be drunken on it. The Southern Baptist Church has taken the stance that it is better not to drink at all than to cause ones brother to stumble. Some church's use alcohol just for the Lord's Supper, but the Southern Baptist Church has agreed to use grape juice to stay away from alcohol. There are many instances in Psalms in which David danced as part of his worship for Christ but the Southern Baptist Church has taken a stance here also in that today's dancing is viewed differently than it was then, and that it is better to not dance at all.

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