Sunspots are magnetic regions on the Sun with magnetic field strengths thousands of times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field (2). The magnetic field lines just below the Sun's surface are twisted and poke though the solar photosphere (3). The field is strongest in the darker parts of the sunspots - the umbra. The field is weaker and more horizontal in the lighter part - the penumbra (2). Because these sunspots have there own magnetic field they also have their own north and south poles. Contrary to what you might expect sunspots have order in their creation. All spots on the same hemisphere have their north and south poles pointing in the same direction and ones on the other hemisphere have opposite poles. Throughout the course of time many people have observed sunspots and have complied data on them, including time, size, and location. We have used this data to compile what we believe as the sunspot cycle. The sunspots reach a maximum every 11 years and then falls almost to zero before the cycle starts again (1). But to complicate things the sunspots undergo a change after the 11-year cycle in which they switch their polarity signs. Because of this reversing of signs the cycle actually a 22-year cycle. What causes this cycle is the result of the Sun's magnetic field constantly stretching, twisting, and folding of the magnetic field lines because of the combined effects of the differential rotation and convection (1). The latitudes of the sunspots vary with time. As the sunspots get older its latitude increases away from the equator until they eventually fade away (1). Only new sunspots occur close to the equator and they too start to fade away as the gain latitude. Because of the centuries of data collected on sunspots we have used it to forecast future sunspot activity. Charts like the one below have been postulated, but there are many different charts predicting different number but they are have generally the right numbers.
Sunspots and their magnetic effects are among the most fascinating features on the Sun. ... Sunspots have been studied longer than any other feature of the Sun. ... In the August of 1610, he turned his new telescope to the Sun to study sunspots by observing their repeated transits across the sun. Gallileo found that the spots were carried from east to west across the surface of the Sun over a period of about 13 days, becoming smaller and smaller and then dissapearing behind the Sun for the equal amount of time and then reappearing again at the east side of the...
Sun Tzu's Art of War Long ago, Sun Tzu once wrote, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt. ... Sun Tzu's Art of War is written by Sun Wu and is set in the final years of the Spring and Autumn Period, 770-476 B.C. ... Hence, Sun Wu became Sun Tzu. ... King He Lu, now convinced of Sun Wu's skills as a commander, made him his general. ... Here Sun Tzu is talking about timing and efficiency. ...
I believe that Sun Yat Sen.'... Many of Sun's actions during this period of time were condemned. ... Others believe that this period where Sun was not involved in politics and the revolution was halted shows how much Sun's revolutionary antics were need in China. ... This was a dark period in Sun's quest for a revolution. ... Without the united front Sun's ideology would have laid dormant and...
Benefits of Sun Screen Whoever said to stop wearing sun screen after summer? Just because summer has ended doesn't mean that the sun's ultraviolet rays have gone along with it. ... The best way to avoid skin cancer is to stay out of the sun completely, and let's face it, no one can avoid the sun for long. Going outside is part of our daily routines and the best way to prevent skin cancer is to protect the skin from excess sun by applying sun screen. ... To maintain the healthy condition of your skin, be sure to apply and re-apply your sun screen. ...
Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Yixian) 1895: Guangzhou: Attempted Uprising Sun Yat-Sen had revolutionary ideas after returning from Beijing, and formed the "Revive China Society" while living in Hawaii. ... Three Principles: Sun Yat-Sen based his revolution around the three principals. ... This conciliatory gesture brought Sun some help from Russia, which helped Sun Yat-Sen. ... This academy was lead by Chiang Kai-shek - personally selected by Sun. ... Sun Yat-Sen received broad support during his lifetime and won great admiration after his death After Sun's death, when the Communists and...
In "The Three Principles of People," Sun Yat-Sen analyzes the meaning of the word "liberty," and how the word is perceived. ... Each of these countries wants the same thing, and that is the definition Sun Yat-Sen uses to define liberty. The message that is trying to be conveyed through this passage is that this ideology of liberty is what modernizes China's society, and Sun Yat-Sen's attempt to make China a free, prosperous, and powerful nation. ... Sun-Yat-Sen composes the Three Principles of People to end the Qing Dynasty and make China free nation. ... Sun Ya...
The representation of the hunter to the sun is conveyed through subtle references throughout the poem. ... As well as indirect references to the sun, the author directly states the the Hunter is the sun, " to front the hunter, Sun.." ( 32). ... Which represents the world awakening as the sun rises, or the hunter confronts the stag. ... The Stag is frightened and attempting to escape from the hunter as the sun, while he is the night. This illusion is believable because as the hunter kills the stag as the sun takes over dusk or night. ...
Every second, the Sun flings over 1 million tons of matter into space, forming what we call solar wind. ... Proof of the existence of solar wind was first put forward in 1951 by Ludwing Biermann, who suggested that comet tails are always directed away from the Sun because they are pushed by a continuous flow of charged particles streaming out from the Sun, or solar wind. ... The solar wind appears to drag the Sun's magnetic field with it as it expands, creating a huge region of magnetic influence. ... However, it isn"t symmetrical around the Sun. ... The point of termination shock...