Let's say that a person consumes a large serving of vegetables for dinner. When plant compounds break down, a flammable gas is released during the decomposition process. The gas produced is methane. Possibly, SHC can be explained as having a build up of flammable gasses within the human body. When those gasses are ignited by a buildup of static electricity, a person would combust. Yet, SHC cases are not being reported as people literally exploding, but instead, they are reported as burning slowly from the inside. So how would this be possible with a build up of flammable gasses? Science says it's very unlikely that a person could be kept at a constant 3000 degrees Fahrenheit using a build up of methane gas for a substantial period of time in which the skeleton could be consumed. Even so, upon ignition of the gas, the intestines would explode and blow viscera everywhere. Certainly possible, but not characteristic of an SHC case, where the victim is slowly consumed from the inside. So let's take another approach.
What if the body had a build up of another source of heat from within? According to "The Journal or Religion and Psychical Research," Tibetan monks have been known to raise there body temperature with heavy meditation. They perform a challenge where they sit around a freezing lake, wearing nothing but a loin cloth. "Their guru then wraps them in a wet sheet that has been dipped in the nearly frozen lake. The heat from their body is so intense the sheets steam dry in a matter of minutes. This is done all night long"(Kundalini (3). Is this a source of inner heat possibly responsible for burning people to ash? Probably not, because they are only recorded to raise their temperatures by 12 degrees Fahrenheit, putting the monks around 110 degrees. However, according to the practice of Kundalini; the form of meditation the monks use to channel their inner energy, "It is warned that no person should attempt, untrained and without a guru, to invoke the inner kundalini.