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In addition data from unnaturally induced strokes in animals has repeatedly mislead researchers. In the 1980's researchers reported that of 25 compounds that reduced ischemic-stroke damage in animals none proved effective in humans. The diet drugs fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine tested safe in animal laboratories but caused dangerous heart valve abnormalities in humans. Animal experimentation and research have the ability to pose a even greater threat to humans. Polio vaccines grown on monkey kidney cells exposed millions of Americans to simian virus, which causes human cells to undergo malignant transformation and has been found in several human cancers. The General Accounting Office found that 52% of the 198 drugs marketed from 1976 to 1985 that they tested had "serious post-approval risks".
             The fact is that animal experimentation is highly unreliable and misleading because different animals react different to different diseases and chemicals. Some of the deadliest poisons to humans are strychnine, arsenic and potassium cyanide, yet guinea pigs and monkeys can safely eat strychnine, sheep can digest enormous quantities of arsenic, and cyanide is harmless to the owl. However, penicillin kills guinea pigs and aspirin kills cats. In addition, since 1971, when president Nixon launched the "war on cancer" and after spending billions of tax dollars and infecting billions of healthy animals with cancerous tumors, the rate of cancer incident has gone up by 18% and cancer deaths have increased by 7%.
             The unreliability of vivisection is due mostly to misleading information that has delayed necessary further research. Aside from the undeniable biochemical differences of animals and humans, the highly unnatural environment of the laboratory invariably stresses the animals which effects the entire organism by altering pulse, blood pressure, hormone levels, immunological activities and many other functions.

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