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Vipassana-Bhavana: Meditation Through Insight

He called his teachings, Dhamma, or the "law", the law of nature. As he continuously mentioned, it is a path of insight into the nature of reality, a path of truth-realization. In order to solver our problems, we have to see our situation as it really is. In order to do this, a person must learn to recognize superficial, apparent reality, and also to penetrate beyond appearances and not perceive the truth you want to see, but to see the truth as it is, wether it's bad or good. The search will not be a short path; through dedication the accumulated inner tensions that keep a person agitated and miserable can gradually be dissolved, therefore purifying, pacifying and bringing happiness to one's mind. As in his book, S. N. Goenka has said "This inner darkness must be dispelled to apprehend the truth. We must gain insight into our own nature in order to understand the nature of existence. Therefore the path that the Buddha showed is a path of introspection, of self-observation. He said, "Within this very fathom-long body containing the mind with its perceptions, I make known the universe, its origin, its cessation, and the way leading to its cessation"" (Hart, 1987, 44). Goenka has adopted the Vipassana as his way of life and provides the teachings of the Buddha to vast individuals around the world. .
             Once an individual has gained some interest in wanting to gain the truth as it exists, then it is the starting point for the revelation towards one's mind. When speaking of the mind, the Buddha does not only think of the brain, but the mind is the whole body it is everywhere, with every atom, and wherever you feel anything. The Buddha explored that every being is a composite of five processes, four of them mental and one physical. The physical is the most apparent, matter or the body, which is readily perceived by all the senses. In one sense you can control the body because it moves and acts according to the conscious will.

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