Both of these religions also believe in an afterlife and in the existence of invisible evil spirits and/or demons (Religious Tolerance). As in the centerpiece of Catholicism, there is a ritual sacrifice and consumption of flesh and blood. This is also congruent in the Vodoun practices. Finally, Vodoun followers "believe in a met tet (master of the head) which corresponds to the Christian's patron saint" (Religious Tolerance).
The fundamental belief of Vodoun is that each group follows his or her own spiritual path and worships a slightly different Loa. The traditional beliefs included a remote and unknowable called chief God Olorun. A lesser God, Obatala was authorized by Olorun to create the earth and all life forms. A battle was waged between the two Gods and led to Obatala's temporary banishment (Religious Tolerance). As earlier stated, many spirits are revered in the Vodoun religion. The original spirits are known as Rada, similar to the Christian belief of angels, who never had a human form but always existed in a divine or unearthly presence. Later spirits added consisted of deceased leaders of the New World and are referred to as Petro. "Examples of Petro are Agwe: spirit of the sea, Aida Wedo: rainbow spirit, Ayza: protector, Baka: an evil spirit who takes the form of an animal, Baron Samedi: guardian of the grave, Dambala (or Dambala Wedo): serpent spirit, Erinle: spirit of the forests, Ezili (or Erzuli): female spirit, Mawu Lisa: spirit of creation, Ogou Balanjo: spirit of healing, Ogun (or Ogu Bodagris): spirit of war, Osun: spirit of healing streams, Sango (or Shango): spirit of storms, Yenmanja: female spirit of waters, and Zaka (or Oko): spirit of agriculture (Religious Tolerance).
The purpose of Vodoun rituals is to make contact with a spirit or to gain their favor. They do this by offering animal sacrifices and gifts to get help, food, higher standards of living, and/or improved health.