In Robert Frosts poem "Design" he uses examples of simile and imagery.
feelings about the apperence of the spider, flower and moth in the poem. As the poem unfolds all of .
these aspects come together so you can fully understand the theme of the poem.
The poem begins with a description of a scene. The scene takes place at night (line 12) .
and involves three characters: A spider, a moth, and a flower. In line one, Frost describes the .
spider. The spider is like any other, "fat" and "dimpled" (line 1). However, unusually, the spider is .
white. Atypically, Frost has given a color associated with purity and innocence to the spider. In line .
two, Frost describes the flower. Like the spider, the flower, a heal all, is given the unfitting color, .
white. The spider is on the heal-all, holding up a moth, presumably one, which the spider killed. In .
line three, Frost elaborates on the moth. The moth, like the spider and heal-all, is white. Frost .
compares the appearance and texture of the moth to satin, a delicate material similar to silk. Satin, .
usually soft and supple, is described here as "rigid." This description ties into the death of the moth .
and the texture of its wings. Given the first three lines, on the surface it seems as though one .
character is guilty of killing the moth: The spider. However, in line four, Frost refers to "assorted .
characters of death and blight." He alludes to the responsibility of multiple characters for the moth's .
death. Line five clarifies the time. Early in the morning, before the sun has risen, the spider, moth, .
and flower are ready to begin the day. In line six, frost compares the situation and its players to "a .
witches broth." Each component contributes to the product. Frost points out the lack of innocence .
in the entire scene. Frost finishes his description by recounting the individuals involved, the white, .
"snow drop" spider; the flower, compared to a "froth;" and finally the moth with its delicate dead .