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             Alcohol can be very harmful to ones health. A person may feel more outgoing or able to talk more freely when they drink so they may begin to drink more to keep that feeling going. Alcohol may make you have the time of your life for a while and you may feel invincible but the consequences can be very serious. When a person drinks to much they may pass out which can cause them to have trouble breathing. When a person drinks and extreme amount of alcohol it can cause them to throw up. This can cause them to choke on their vomit and even lead to death When a drunk person passes out, their body continues to absorb the alcohol, causing their blood alcohol level to become extremely high. If alcohol is mixed with another drug, it can effect ones ability to drive a car and operate heavy machinery. .
             Prior to reading the buzzed paper, I never really thought about the consequences alcohol can have on the body. The packet discussed the harmful affects that alcohol can have on the body and how it can really ruin your life. It made me look at my life and try to realize why I drink. Why should I take the chance of having something happen to me just to feel good for a couple hours. .
             The main problems that can occur in your body from drinking alcohol are memory formation, abstract thinking, problem solving, and attention and concentration. The person may remember some of the things that happened before drinking, but they will have blanks of what happened the rest of the nite. This is a very serious problem because during the drunken state you could have done something that you would have never have done sober and not even realized it. hours before then. Attention and concentratin are two of the most common side effects of cronic drinking. Any signs may not be detected during a casual conversation; however, when the drinker is challenged or when he or she is in a situation involving a higher train of thought, they may have more trouble.

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