They found "student uniforms have no direct effect on substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance". (Brunsma and Rockquemore, 1998) In fact, the study found that there was a negative effect on academic achievement when students were forced to wear uniforms. The researchers did find that uniforms fostered academic preparedness, proschool attitudes and peers having proschool attitudes. They concluded "that uniform policies may indirectly affect school environment and students outcomes by providing a visible and public symbol of commitment to school improvement and reform". (Brunsma and Rockquemore, 1998) .
The previous study supports uniform proponents who argue that wearing school uniforms creates a sense of school spirit. These uniform proponents rationalized that this school spirit will lead to academic pride, which will lead to academic achievements. (Jacobson, 2000) The previous study does not support the second claim. .
According to proponents of wearing uniforms, a potential benefit of wearing uniforms is that students are easily identifiable. This easy identification is helpful to teachers during class trips. (Public Debate, 2000) Some people believe that wearing uniforms makes students identifiable, which causes them to act better while coming to and going home from school. (Public Debate, 2000) In addition, intruders in the school building are easily identifiable because they do not wear uniforms. (Forbes, 1994) .
Opponents of school uniforms argue that uniforms make student's easily identifiable not just to teachers and security guards but also to students from rival schools. (Public Debate, 2000) They fear that uniforms will emphasize the division between the schools. This in turn may lead to bullying and fights by students from other schools. .
Advocates of uniforms claim that another potential benefit of wearing uniforms is that uniforms act as social levelers. (Jacobson, 2000) Proponents of uniforms believe that uniforms help to foster feelings of equality amongst students.