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Struggle For Women


Really the only difference between slaves and women is the slaves were considered 3/5's of a person.
             Women were the best health care providers of all. They would go around the colonies delivering babies and curing the sick. They were the mothers and the ones to do all the work around the house seeing they had just about as much rights as a slave. Women became involved much in textiles and working in mills and factories. .
             The women had a hard time dealing with the conditions of working in mills and factories. As time moved forward, they would cut pay and increase the house of labor at these factories and mills. This started the factory girls association which staged two strikes against the owners of these factories and mills. One was against the 25 percent wage cut. This upset the women very much. Then the other was against the rent increase in the boarding houses. Both strikes failed and a recession put a damper in the factory girls association in 1837.
             8 years later a militant women by the name of Sarah Bagly got these women back together and formed the Female Labor Reform Association and begun their beckoning about the 10 hour days they were putting in the mills and the condition of the mills themselves. They even went so far as to ask the legislature to do an investigation on the Mills.
             By the time this all took place, the factory work force was changing and most women were moving onto bigger and better things. Women in other work would do textiles right from their homes and some would prove to be very profitable. Women eventually would own inns the soldiers would stay at. They would own shops that were very popular around town. They also eventually served as attorneys in all forms of justice, but then some women just went back to the roles of domesticity and were the caretakers of the home and would do the work around the house.
             All of the women's rights and treatment would not have been possible though without some of the influential women and some of the circumstances that took place because of these influential women.

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