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Gattaca Review


I think this is very symbolic of the idea that the to-be-Vincent was conceived in a natural way making him a Godchild. .
             The second option available for reproduction to prospective parents in Gattaca involves intervention. By seeking medical attention and help, prospective parents can select specific genes their child will exhibit. Through this method of conception, numerous eggs are fertilized to permit parents with a choice in the child they will receive and raise. This selection is designed to allow the child-to-be the maximal life he or she is possible of living by eliminating any unwanted characteristics and genes.
             This type of selection was present in the movie when Vincent's parents decide to have a second child. They went to a genetic councilor who prepared four embryos from their genetic material to select from. The selection process involved choosing everything from the sex of the child-to-be to its eye color. Every gene that could and would be expressed for each of the embryos was predetermined and available on a computer print out for the parents to view. Vincent's parents chose one of the male embryos to be implanted so he could have a brother and a companion. When delivered, Vincent's brother was given the name Anton, after his father (Gattaca, Niccol). .
             Although it seems like these are both choices for reproduction in the world of Gattaca, there are societal consequences for having a natural-born or Godchild. In this community, everything is genetically determined from your schooling to the job you will .
             hold for your lifetime. In the movie, they refer to people as being valid or in valid. Valid people would be in reference to those who were genetically engineered and are destine to succeed. In valid refers to the Godchildren or those naturally conceived. They are .
             Condemned by their genetic make-up that has not been altered for maximal achievement. This resulted in the in-valids being disregarded by the society and, in a sense, pushed to the side so the valids may succeed without interruption from those who would only hold them back.

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