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Tv Violence


             new technology for comfort and pleasure. "The values that kids are learning today are.
             questionable," explains Auty, wirter of the Gazette ( Dignan, 2001, pg. 3 ) . Another form of.
             violence children are expose to is video games. Alone, Video Games contain ninty percent.
             violence. Kids can now log onto the internet an virtually experience anything. .
             It is almost impossible to go a whole day without experiencing or seeing viollence. .
             What people don't often realize is the effect it is leaving on our children. Children spend more.
             then three to four hours a day watching television. Fifty percent of children aged six to.
             seventeen have their own television. There is an average of 2.3 televisions in American .
             Television Violence 4.
             households( Murphy & Tucker 1996, pg . 15 ). By the time your child reaches the end of grade.
             six, he/she will witnesses 100,000 acts of violence from television, and who knows how much.
             more from the Internet, video games and magazines? If you have a child who is between the.
             ages of three and thirteen, what is the best way to keep him/her occupied? Parent often place.
             their children infront of a television set and turn on cartoons so you can do the work you need to.
             do. Over the past two decades, the number of violent acts on cartoons has increased. In 1988,.
             there were fifteen to twenty acts per hour . Today we have more than forty studies that have.
             been done by scientists to show that seventy-three percent of individuals who commit crimes in.
             cartoons and children's shows go unpunished in violent scenes( Carter & Strickland 1996, pg .
             2). Some of the most popular children's shows are Power Rangers, Pokemon, Spiderman, and.
             Batman. Children before completing elementary school will witness 8,000 murders.
             (Erwin,1997, pg. 23 ) . .
             Do We Use Violence As a Scape-Goat?.
             In the Worner Brothers production, the characters Willie Coyote and the Road Runner, .
             or Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fud shows that violence is always the way to solve problems.

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