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Overtime, I believe that people realize that in comparison to eating crops that have been exposed to pesticides, that GM foods are the safe alternative.
             The characteristic that I found to be perhaps the "neatest" was the fact that a crop's genes can be altered so it produces more nutrients that ever before. This type of food could save the lives of thousands in third world countries that suffer from malnutrition. We could introduce genetically modified rice into a starved third world country. This rice could contain nutrients that the people need to survive and live on.
             Most people feel that the current policy on the marketing and distribution of genetically modified food is too lenient, and I would have to concur with their claim given the lack of research. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the safety of genetically modified food. People are concerned about what these foods might do to their health, and want restrictions put on the foods that have been modified. I propose that all genetically modified food be marked with a label. Doing this would cause no confusion whatsoever on what is modified and what is natural. With that option available, the people that are concerned about these foods can just stay away from these foods and not purchase them. This proposal is a relatively easy way to cure the anxiety about genetically altered foods. When people go to the supermarket and see the label on a food, they realize that they have a choice. Putting labels on foods is a temporary cure for worrisome until the research of genetically modified foods can be thorough and educating.
             Around the world people are concerned about GM foods, and so they should be. These are foods that they are putting into their body. If you are someone that is concerned about you health, why would you risk putting something in your body that you are unsure of, especially on the count of whether or not it is safe.

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