them anything. .
The National Association of State Boards of Education finds that many .
students cite teachers and counselors as the most reliable sources of sexuality.
related information. School-based sexuality education compliments and .
auguments the sexuality education that children receive from their families,.
religious and community groups, and health care professionals. The primary.
goal of school -based sexuality education is to help young people feel .
comfortable with themselves as they mature into sexually healthy adults. .
Sexuality education seeks to assist young people in understanding a positive.
view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of.
their sexual health, and help them make sound decisions now and in the future.
Comprehensive sexuality education programs have four main goals. The first .
goal is to provide accurate information about sexuality. The second goal is to .
provide an opportunity for young people to develop and understand their values,.
attitudes and beliefs about sexuality. The third goal is to help young people .
develop relationships and interpersonal skills. The fourth goal is to help young.
people exercise responsibility regarding sexual relationships and the use of .
contraception and other sexual health measures (Bieir 307). These goals .
will help children to become comfortable with themselves, their decisions, and .
others as they become sexually mature.
Parents and children discuss numerous issues related to sexuality, but the.
frequency of these discussions and the topics may vary. Almost all parents.
have talked to their teens about sexuality, but only 9% believe that they have.
adequately communicated with their teens about sexuality( Jordan 340). Sixty - .
five percent of parents reported talking to their children about puberty,59% .
about the facts sexual reproduction, and 55% about HIV/AIDS (Whitaker and Miller 257).