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Sex Education In America


            Sexuality Education: Home Or School?.
             According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy the U.S .
             has the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the world. Each year 820,000.
             girls get pregnant, and 34 percent of young women become pregnant at least.
             once before age 20. Eighty percent of these pregnancies are to unmarried teens. .
             Teen pregnancy cost the U.S. at least $7 billion annually.
             Sexuality education is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming .
             attitudes, beliefs, and values. Sexuality education should began at home and .
             continue into school.
             Parents feel that they should be the primary educators of their children. .
             Parents and children have a wide range of comfort levels when it comes to .
             discussing sexuality. In one study of 687 students in grades 9 through 12, 38%.
             said they wanted to talk to their parents about sex. Of the 405 parents surveyed.
             for this study, 58% felt that their teens wanted to talk to them about sex (Jordan .
             338). One study found that 65% of parents are very comfortable talking to their.
             teens about sexuality (Jordan 339). In another study of 823 children 32% of .
             children were very comfortable talking to their parents about puberty; whereas .
             45% of children were kind of comfortable. Fourty -two percent.
             of children were very comfortable.
             and 45% kind of comfortable talking to their parents HIV/AIDS. Last, 27% were .
             very comfortable and and 29% were kind of comfortable talking to their parents.
             about the basics of sexual reproduction (Whitaker and Miller 252-253). Parents .
             2 .
             are generally comfortable talking to their kids about sex. They should let their.
             kids know that should not be scared or embarrassed and that they can ask.

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