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For example; when scout meets Mr Dolphus Raymound during the trial she becomes aware that he is a victim of prejudice and that he has become an outcast. This is because he lives his life with a black woman, this is thought to be wrong in society in Maycomb. One of the effects of this is that he pretends to be drunk. Another is that his children are also victims of prejudice as they are mix race they don't fit in with the blacks or whites, because of all this they live in the isolated out-skirts of Maycomb far away from anyone. This also means that Dolphus Raymound does not have to face any of his peers. This shows how cowardly his character is. However, it is the way he tackles with the racism.
             The ladies of Maycomb also show prejudice towards individuals. Mrs Merriweather for instance never questions her actions, or what she says. For example, Mrs Merriweather insults Atticus as a misguided person. When she says 'I tell you there are some good but misguided people in this town.' She later goes on to say, 'Folks in this town who think they are doing right, I mean. Now to far be it for me to say who,' This show Mrs Merriweather's character and how two faced she is. When Mrs Merriweather insults Atticus in front of Scout, it shows how self-content she is.
             Miss Maudie combats this prejudice by stopping her sharp and showing her up in front of the other ladies to realise what she has just said. Miss Maudie says 'His food doesn't stick going down, does it.' This reveals Mrs Merriweather's victim as Atticus. Miss Maudie is open-minded and sticks up for Atticus as she feels that he is doing the right thing.
             The rape plot shows the prejudice between the characters. The author subtly shapes the many varieties of prejudices in to the different characters of the town.
             As of the prejudice there is a clear segregation between the types of people and this is shown through out the book, as the black people are portrayed as servants or workers.

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