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Conned Again Watson!: Cautionary Tales In Logic, Math, And Probability


             can be considered a matter that could affect the fate of the universe. .
             Doubting the truth in her statement, but however, seeing her urgency, .
             Watson goes to retrieve Holmes from his bedroom. Once Holmes gets .
             redressed and comes back down stairs she then declares her problem. She .
             starts out by saying how she is old and expects to be dying soon, but asks .
             them not for their pity. She states that her business is of much more .
             importance than pity. Next, she explains to them that she has some sort .
             special astrological power received from her ancestors that connects her to .
             the stars and makes her some sort of a mystic being or something along the .
             lines of that. She continues on to say that since she is dying she needs to .
             locate a heir to her great astrological powers. This heir must be related to her .
             Great- Grandfather some how and also must be born into a certain .
             astrological sign on a specific date. But as for what she wants of Holmes? .
             She has with her two different lists of birth dates grouped under various .
             categories of zodiac signs. As to how the lists of dates came into her .
             possession. She said that they came from one of her possible heirs in Canada .
             who may have been all but truthful to her. She then explains how she located .
             the names of her known heirs and got more names through them. She feels .
             that her Canadian relative may be trying to prevent her from locating the real .
             heir in order to gain her inheritance of a financial type. But, she knows for .
             fact that one of the lists has the real birth dates of her heirs and one is .
             entirely falsified. She tells Holmes that she would pay him well if he would .
             only examine the numbers on both lists and see if he can pick out which is .
             indeed the actual list. After she is gone Watson expresses the fact that he .
             thinks she is crazy and asks Holmes if he is actually considering taking on .
             this case. Holmes replies that she seemed sincere enough to him and of .

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