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             Everyman gets into a real hard situation and starts to pity himself. This time he turns to Goods who he has loved very much for his lifetime. But when Goods hears that they have to go to the highest judge which is God, although Everyman tries to persuade him that all wrongs become right with money, he refuses to go too. He also corrects Everyman that if he thinks this way than it is a very big disadvantage in the eyes of the judge since worldly goods are not given but only lent by him.
             Everyman is ashamed of his unworthy friends. He asks for the help of Good-Deeds. He asks him to go with him to afterlife but Good-Deeds refuses because Everyman has not done very many good deeds during his life. So, instead of accompanying him, Good-Deeds leads him to Confession. But at the same time, Good-Deed's sister Knowledge stays with Everyman. She offers Everyman company to guide him to Confession. During her company, Five Wits, Beauty, Strength and Discretion joined Everyman.
             Confession lives in the salvation house. Taking pity on Everyman he gives him penance which means Everyman suffers for his sins to shrive his soul. Everyman accepts penance happily given by the priest and gets rid of his characteristics but Knowledge, the cousin of Good-Deeds and Good-Deeds only. After Knowledge leaves, Everyman is released by the priest.
             As a result of these incidents,Everyman's last journey starts which means that his account is ready. When Everyman prepares to meet Death, all of his companions which are Knowledge, Strength, Beauty, Discretion and Five Wits leave him except Good-Deeds. He stays with Everyman until the end of his earthly life. They descend into the grave. An Angel who is chosen as the wife of Jesus welcomes Everyman. His soul is taken from his body and tells that his reckoning is clear.
             At the end, a Doctor appears and he actually reminds all men of their last journey. He emphasizes that only Good-Deeds avail the soul at the final judgement.

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