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Most domestic abuse comes from people they know. There are many facts about domestic violence. Forty-six percent of Americans continue to agree that men sometimes physically abuse women because they are stressed out or drunk. Usually men tend to take their emotional stress out on their partners. Men continue to tell their partners that they still love them after they already battered them. This makes the woman feel sorry for their husbands and it makes the women more intimidated to stay, rather than leaving because she feels bad. "Studies show that women are more likely to be understandable over a man" (Buss 10). This statistic proves that in a battering situation women won't leave their husbands if they know they are suffering from emotional problems. Sometimes many women put their selves in a dangerous position by staying in an abusive relationship. This problem will continue to exist if women don't realize what their husbands are putting them through. Some say that battering is only a momentary loss of temper, but it isn't because battering is the establishment of control and fear in relationship through violence. Others say that domestic violence is just a push, slap, or punch. It does not produce serious injuries. They are wrong because battered women are often severely injured. Twenty-two to thirty-five percent of women who visit medical emergency rooms are there for injuries related to ongoing partner abuse. People believe that it is easy for battered women to leave their abuser. I think they are wrong because it is hard for a woman to leave. "Women who leave their batterers are at seventy-five percent greater risks of being killed by the batterer than those who stay" (Havelin 9). Conservative studies indicate that men assault two million women each year, but experts believe that the true incidents of partner abuse are probably closer to five million per year. "Thirty percent of American women report that they have been physically abused by their husband or boyfriend at one time or another" (Gregorson 20).

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