You need not look any further than a warm and comfortable chair to enjoy a mild.
breeze as you lie upon the tender white sand of a tropical beach some place far away. .
Your mind starts the journey off with each sandal flopping loosely against your heel, .
kicking up sand as you make your way to the perfect spot. Once settled conveniently .
beside the calm and soothing waves, you pick up the distinguished scent of fish-filled .
sea and realize the tide has cautiously made its way closer. While adjusting the darkly .
tinted sunglasses resting lightly upon your face, a smooth sailing, lenient frisbee soars .
adjacent your wind-tossed hair causing a weightless feeling as if the frisbee represented .
the burdens of life quickly passing through, missing completely and never hitting you. .
The almost nonexistent sound of seagulls may be scarcely heard over the harsh wind .
above swaying palm trees like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. Listening more .
intently, delicate ears may hear the soothing lyrics of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville taking .
you even deeper into the tropical theme set forth. After what seemed like days of eternal .
happiness, a sticky, dry sensation draws thirsty eyes to a tall glass filled with crisp, cold .
water. Glossed with beads of condensation, the beverage seems to satisfy the entire .
body with its seducing sight, damp touch, and delicious icy taste flowing down your stale .
throat. Long after catching a slight tan, effects of the beach and the suns warmth have .
seemingly reached so far internally that venturing a trip to heaven could only keep one .
content. As the radiant glow produced from the sun gradually disappears behind the .
ocean's crystal surface, your body is returned to the desolate chair you so heavily slept .
on. Vacationing to the beige, endless beach has just become a lot easier, you just have .
to sense it.