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Toni Morrison


            In Toni Morrison's novels, she describes the racial tension, the heritage of Blacks, and the struggles Blacks have to overcome in a world that doesn't accept them. .
             While exploring these various emotions, Toni Morrison also changes the styles in each novel. In The Bluest Eye, the main character, Pecola Breedlove, feels as though she is not beautiful as society says she should be. "The American culture of the early 1940's defines beauty in terms of such actors as Greta Garbo, Ginger Rogers, and Shirley Temple" (Magill 243). Morrison "uses the contrast between Shirley Temple and Pecola to underscore the irony of black experience" states Phyllis R. Klotman (Metzger 413). Racism is an everyday issue for Pecola. She faces the problem from whites, and blacks as well. Pecola assumes that by having blue eyes she will be accepted in society. "She wants the bluest of the blue, the bluest eyes" (McEwen 1). .
             The Bluest Eye consist of four section that make up the novel. These sections are: ""Autumn," "Winter," "Spring," and "Summer"" (Magill 243). .
             Claudia MacTeer, the nine year old narrator, starts the story off by taking a chilly look at her lifestyle and begins to concentrate on Pecola's stay with her. Pecola is staying with Claudia because her father dishonors the Breedlove name. "Autumn ends with a sketch of three misanthropic "whores" who, unsentimentally, provide Pecola with the little warmth that she experiences" (Magill 243).
             Describing the face and nakedness of Claudia and Frieda's father is how the second section of the novel, "Winter," starts. Seeing his nakedness, only by accident, the girls are not threatened. "It leaves Claudia and Frieda more astonished than offended" (Magill 244). This section comes to a close while Pecola is at the home of two arrogant African Americans, Louis and Geraldine. They think people like Pecola are trash. Junior, Louis and Geraldine's son, entices Pecola to come to their house by promising her a kitten.

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