With the alarming health risk, scientists and health professional have introduced numerous techniques and aids to help the smoker break the habit. Some are far fetched while otters have become acceptable alternatives with viable results.
The following information will discuss two techniques including both pros and cons for their use.
Data and information was collected for this technical article utilizing numerous magazine articles, reports by the American Medical Association, and cited works. A personal interview was conducted with a registered nurse experienced with Stop Smoking Programs.
Results/Discussion .
Nicotine replacement is a frequent component of strategies to help people.
stop smoking. Since nicotine replacement therapy is widely available and.
costly, it is important to establish the efficacy of its different forms. The.
nicotine patch will be discussed for this category. Patients who have not been.
able to quit because of withdrawal symptoms "not for psychological .
reasons "are the most appropriate candidates for nicotine replacement .
therapy. Pharmacological interventions such as nicotine replacement therapy .
are best used in a stepped-care program in conjunction with a smoking-.
cessation program, and some authorities do not recommend such approaches .
for individuals who have not made prior serious attempts at quitting. Other .
experts, however, consider nicotine replacement appropriate for heavy .
smokers who believe they will need assistance in quitting.
The rational for proper use of the nicotine patch is that the patient must understand that it is intended to help her stop smoking by decreasing withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine patches are not meant to be used as a long-term substitute for smoking, but only until withdrawal symptoms cease. Patients must also understand that nicotine replacement therapy will not help with the psychological component of smoking cessation (Hughes 68).