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Third Party Mediation Cyprus


             Turkey's attitude towards its policy regarding Cyprus has changed partley due to the EU, and some reasons for it's altering of it's stance in the Cyprus negotiations are;.
             - Turkeys present economy needs assistance from the IMF, which are conditional ones. Turkey's program with the IMF is related to its "National Program" geared towards membership in the EU. Turkey has to lighten its stance and appear more willing in its dealings with the Cyprus negotiations. Turkey has to be more willing regarding Cyprus to guarantee adequate IMF relief and to bolster its position in its "National Program" towards EU membership.
             - The European Union's accession partnership document says Turkey should positively contribute towards a settlement of the Cyprus conflict before the main negotiating process of Turkey's own Accession into the European takes place. .
             Conclusion: The European Union while not an official mediator in the Greek-Turkish Cypriot conflict seems to be the main drive behind any settlement. By offering it's incentives to one side for compromising to the other, its policies of being biased continue. How could the EU really be considered impartial while only recognizing one side of the dispute as the official channel and decision makers? It gives legitimacy to the Greek side, and leaves the Turkish side appearing to be the trouble-making secessionists. .
             The United Nations:.
             The United Nations is claimed to be the most important mediator in the Cyprus conflict officially. This claim seems to currently be overshadowed by the European Union's overwhelming in-direct Role. Yet the United Nations is, on the Cyprus issue, the most impartial and unbiased intervening party. .
             Well known is the UN (security-council) authorization of the UNFICYP which has been on the Island since 1964, and it's numerous resolutions which are aimed at reaching a solution.

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