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At times, prescribed medication can be beneficial to assist the patient in resisting from his urges.
             Pedophilia is a disorder in which a person, most commonly a man, would obtain sexual arousal and enjoyment, through sexual activities and/or fantasies about having sexual activities with a undeveloped child (commonly 13 and under), or who has roughly reached puberty. A pedophile is a person who enjoys child pornography. Exclusive pedophiles are only sexually attracted to children and not at all attracted towards adults, and nonexclusive types my be attracted to both children and adults. The pedophile can be attracted to only males, only females, or both females and males. The patient could be as young as 16 years old, and can be a minimum of 5 years older then the child in question. Upon becoming sexually active with the child, a pedophile, may perform sexual acts on the child, such as touching or fondling with the child's genitals, undressing the child, or pressuring the child into watching him or her masturbate. Pedophiles can limit their sexual activities to their own children or relatives. They may also victimize other children such as a neighbor or acquaintance. Violent predatory pedophiles, may threaten to hurt the child or possibly their families or pets, also, they may use excessive force if the child notifies anyone of the sexual abuse. A profound percentage of reported criminal sexual acts, are sexual offences against children. Pedophilia is chronic and can be complicated if there is substance abuse, dependency, depression, marital conflict, or an antisocial disorder. Most paraphilic urges and fantasies, begin in childhood and continue throughout adulthood. The behaviors intensity and occurrence are unpredictable and tend to decrease as the patients get older. The treatment is optional and can be psychotherapy or medicine, and at times a mixture of both. .

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