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Nothing with that much firepower is necessary for sporting or hunting. One of the greatest tragedies of gun violence is the tremendous numbers of children and youth killed or injured by guns and these numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. This is one of many reasons that more and more people are supporting gun control. Some of the following facts even further emphasize the support for gun control: 81 percent of the public see the availability of guns and the increase in the number of guns is the root cause of increasing gun violence, 70 percent of gun owners support more strict gun control laws, 73 percent of the public and 72 percent of gun owners support a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons. Another factor that plays a part in gun violence is the illegal dealing of firearms. Many of the dealers who operate out of their homes don't even have a license to operate. This is just one of many examples of the need for gun control. People sell deadly weapons to who ever has enough money to purchase them. These illegal dealers are one of the main sources for guns carried by kids, and they contribute to a good portion of the guns in schools. Gun control is a must to keep the violence down. On the other hand, many legally licensed gun dealers are also corrupt. In 1994, more than half of the crime guns traced by the ATF came from federally licensed firearms dealers. Not only does gun violence have a direct impact on peoples lives, the cost to treat victims of firearm violence is overwhelming. Stricter gun control and proper safety is a must for the United States. Unintentional shootings are occurring more and more throughout the country. In 1995, there were 1,225 unintentional shooting fatalities. Of these, 181 fatalities were children 14 years of age and younger. Many gun owners do not take the proper safety precautions when keeping a gun in the home. A 1995 survey found that 59 percent of parents who admitted to having a gun in the home did not lock the gun away from their children.

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