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The Uninsured


             The uninsured dilemma is an on going problem for approximately 44 million people across the United States. Many studies have been provided to research the opinions voiced about the current situation. In my own opinion before any research is stated, uninsured working Americans have become a personal issue to me in spite of my own mother being one of the 44 million that is uninsured today. My mother is a single, working mother and has been faced over the years with the problem of being uninsured. Many sicknesses and physical disabilities have come over my mother from raising three children alone for a significant amount of time. She is now supposed to undergo a surgery to remove a cist that could be cancerous and is having to debate over having the surgery due to her uninsured state. Should any American have to debate over having a vital surgery just because they are uninsured? Studies have shown that employment isn't the answer to health coverage. Over 4/5 of the uninsured are currently employed and still don't have adequate coverage! .
             A recent study showed over 43% of Americans believe the Federal Government should provide their citizens with health insurance; 28% believe that employers and businesses should provide the coverage; 17% believe the individuals should take care of themselves; and 9% believe that all of the above should help provide the adequate health coverage that Americans need today. Similar opinions were stated regarding the health coverage issue. 62% of a recent poll stated that health insurance should be provided for everyone in America as public education is provided; 22 percent somewhat agreed; and 15% disagreed. Another poll taken regarding to the age of a citizen and whether coverage should depend upon that said 55% agreed that age should not matter when dealing with health coverage; 30% mostly agreed; and only 14% disagreed with this matter.

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