Barbara Mende (2002) in What to do when you lack the right credentials speaks to this point, "Lack of a college degree may be a huge stumbling block because, for some jobs the degree guarantees a certain level of knowledge- (par. 1). .
Also, as more technology evolves "employers are placing a higher and higher value on the level of education of their workers. As technology advances, the general level of education must improve in order to keep pace" (Houma today, 2002, par. 5). While working towards a degree, the student learns the technology and importance of an education to move ahead and advance in the workplace. The employers of today are placing greater value on a college degree, thus making it necessary for one to continue their education so they will be able to advance in the workplace.
Furthermore, there is monetary value placed on receiving a college degree. In the " 1998 income data from the US Census Bureau, the mean income of a worker with a bachelor's degree was $50,056 - over $21,000 more than that of a high school graduate" as reported in the article "The real value of higher education" (cited in The real value of a higher education, 2002, par. 1). With the higher earning potential of a degreed individual versus that of a high school graduate, one can see that a degree pays for itself rather quickly. Burgess (2002) says in his online article Get that degree, "Let's not overlook the monetary value of a college degree. According to the US Census Bureau, people that graduated college will make an average of 600,000 dollars more in lifetime earnings that people with a high school diploma will" (par. 6). Therefore, it pays you in some respects to have your degree. .
Of course monetary value isn't everything but it is a huge factor in putting value on a college education. .
"Abraham Maslow, a psychologist, proposed that people live by a hierarchy of needs. The five levels of this hierarchy of needs are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.