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The Shape Of Things


            I consider myself a sort of play buff but to my surprise I had never seen or heard of this in particular play. Having said that I can honestly say I thought the students did a marvelous job in there performance. Through out the entire play I was sort of wondering what was going to go on. This play kept me in suspense until the end and that is one thing I really enjoyed about it.
             I have to in watching the play I could match some similarities to other shows I have seen. One of the two being Grease either play or musical because the way that Adam changed his image for a lady seemed so similar to the way Danny did so. The other connection would be to the biblical story Adam and Eve and in doing some background on the play I found that I was not the only one who thought there was a connection there.
             Another great attribute to the play was the secondary characters. I thought that Jenny and Philip did a great job and did as well as the lead actors. The way that Jenny suddenly was attracted to Adam was a great twist and how Philip and Evelyn had an affair made the plot even more complex. There whole part was very convincing.
             I have so say that seeing this play put on by college students made it even more really than I think it would be by professionals. The students made the play seem as if it really could have been going on, on a real college campus. After seeing the group do such a good job I was inspired to see the professional version and if all goes well I will very soon. I am very glad that we had to go see it because otherwise I never would have considered it. Once again I would like to say I really enjoyed the play and I think the students did an outstanding job. I was obvious that they worked long and hard on there presentation.

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